Rape... Rape... Rape!!!
By the time you complete reading this Article there will be 2 woman raped all over the world. The matter is that serious. According to the statistics near by 106 rapes happens per day out of which 40% victims are minors and 95% of the Rapes are committed by relatives or family members or people known to the victims!!!
Sec.375 of the IPC states the Provision for Rape
Any male person who does sexual intercourse against her will, without consent, under pressure of death, etc...
U/S. 376 in The Indian Penal Code The Punishment for rape is
If a person commits rape he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than seven years but which may be for life or for a term which may extend to ten years.
The mentality of a rapist develops from the same place as a non rapist. Rape does not develop in a safe world nor does a rapist. Some people imagine it is impossible to be raped and others imagine it is possible and others classify it as a bitter reality of their life. Rapes occur simply for physical enjoyment and they enjoy more when there is restriction from women. The rapist perceives sexual distance as rejection and consent at the same time.
The main conspiracy raised time and again is related to the size of a woman’s dress. Do the dresses provoke? Are women clad in sarees and burqas not raped? We have instances where men sexually abuse animals. Should we clothe animals too?
Another oft-cited reason is makeup. Rapists allege that women apply heavy makeup especially lipstick to lure men. How do you explain rape on minors, infants, old and aged women, women suffering from unsoundness of mind, women in comma or those hospitalized with severe ailments? People rape their daughters, sisters and sometimes even mothers. What causes such extreme depravity? The pathology is an obsession for sex.
Most of the rape are done by young boys of adolescence age which is also called as age of puberty. When these boys hit the age of puberty they become more keen and have urge and temptation to explore about sex. A skewed sex ratio, lack of accessibility and negligible interaction with people of the opposite sex play havoc on impressionable minds fed with easy access to porn and exchange nude photographs among themselves. There woman is projected as no more than an object of desire. This causes women to be viewed as commodities, meant to be consumed and ravished. These men’s must realise that "No ka matlab No hota hai. Use bolne wali ladki koi parichit ho, friend ho, girlfriend ho, koi sex worker ho ya aapki apni biwi hi kyu na ho. ‘No’ means no and when someone says No, you must stop."
Next heinous crime is statutory rape it means girls below the age of 18 . The minors who gets suffered from these acts, lives a horrifying life and it creates a massive disaster in their mind. Many rapist comes up with the defence is there was a consent of the minor. But according to law minors consent is immaterial and will not be considered any defence to the accused. The narrow minded people who do these acts, should be given the strict punishment so that it gives the pact lesson to the wrongdoers. Many a times family members of such minors force victims to marry rapist to avoid slander in their future lives, but is it the solution for it?
Moreover, when rape cases are filed and the way victim is questioned, it seems that she is again being raped by the system because of which it seems that fault is hers and in most of the cases culprits live a simple, happy and normal life which becomes opposite for that victim. Now time has came to change the system and make the culprits life hell, not of the victims.
Punishment for this according to law must be changed to large extent so that no-one will imagine to do such ever even in their dreams.
Do u guys really feel that rape are always done by men? The answer is no! Woman’s do force men for sex! But in India there is no such legal provision for men to complaint for rape but yes they can file against physical assault. There are even cases where women had claimed false allegation of Rape to spoil reputation of men. It is rightly said EVERY RAPE IS A SEX! BUT EVERY SEX ISN'T RAPE!
All humans are equal please treat everyone equally! This heinous crime must be stopped!
By the time you complete reading this Article there will be 2 woman raped all over the world. The matter is that serious. According to the statistics near by 106 rapes happens per day out of which 40% victims are minors and 95% of the Rapes are committed by relatives or family members or people known to the victims!!!
Sec.375 of the IPC states the Provision for Rape
Any male person who does sexual intercourse against her will, without consent, under pressure of death, etc...
U/S. 376 in The Indian Penal Code The Punishment for rape is
If a person commits rape he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than seven years but which may be for life or for a term which may extend to ten years.
The mentality of a rapist develops from the same place as a non rapist. Rape does not develop in a safe world nor does a rapist. Some people imagine it is impossible to be raped and others imagine it is possible and others classify it as a bitter reality of their life. Rapes occur simply for physical enjoyment and they enjoy more when there is restriction from women. The rapist perceives sexual distance as rejection and consent at the same time.
The main conspiracy raised time and again is related to the size of a woman’s dress. Do the dresses provoke? Are women clad in sarees and burqas not raped? We have instances where men sexually abuse animals. Should we clothe animals too?
Another oft-cited reason is makeup. Rapists allege that women apply heavy makeup especially lipstick to lure men. How do you explain rape on minors, infants, old and aged women, women suffering from unsoundness of mind, women in comma or those hospitalized with severe ailments? People rape their daughters, sisters and sometimes even mothers. What causes such extreme depravity? The pathology is an obsession for sex.
Most of the rape are done by young boys of adolescence age which is also called as age of puberty. When these boys hit the age of puberty they become more keen and have urge and temptation to explore about sex. A skewed sex ratio, lack of accessibility and negligible interaction with people of the opposite sex play havoc on impressionable minds fed with easy access to porn and exchange nude photographs among themselves. There woman is projected as no more than an object of desire. This causes women to be viewed as commodities, meant to be consumed and ravished. These men’s must realise that "No ka matlab No hota hai. Use bolne wali ladki koi parichit ho, friend ho, girlfriend ho, koi sex worker ho ya aapki apni biwi hi kyu na ho. ‘No’ means no and when someone says No, you must stop."
Next heinous crime is statutory rape it means girls below the age of 18 . The minors who gets suffered from these acts, lives a horrifying life and it creates a massive disaster in their mind. Many rapist comes up with the defence is there was a consent of the minor. But according to law minors consent is immaterial and will not be considered any defence to the accused. The narrow minded people who do these acts, should be given the strict punishment so that it gives the pact lesson to the wrongdoers. Many a times family members of such minors force victims to marry rapist to avoid slander in their future lives, but is it the solution for it?
Moreover, when rape cases are filed and the way victim is questioned, it seems that she is again being raped by the system because of which it seems that fault is hers and in most of the cases culprits live a simple, happy and normal life which becomes opposite for that victim. Now time has came to change the system and make the culprits life hell, not of the victims.
Punishment for this according to law must be changed to large extent so that no-one will imagine to do such ever even in their dreams.
Do u guys really feel that rape are always done by men? The answer is no! Woman’s do force men for sex! But in India there is no such legal provision for men to complaint for rape but yes they can file against physical assault. There are even cases where women had claimed false allegation of Rape to spoil reputation of men. It is rightly said EVERY RAPE IS A SEX! BUT EVERY SEX ISN'T RAPE!
All humans are equal please treat everyone equally! This heinous crime must be stopped!