One of the memorable days in our life would be result day of our board exams. Board exam, first 10th & then 12th, considered as an important stage of our academic career. Every student does a lot of hard work while preparation of this exams and once this exam gets over, everyone just worries about results. Every parent wants that, their child should get higher percentage, some even expect them to be the top rankers. Earlier, higher percentages were like 70, 80 percentiles. But today everyone wants 90, 95 or maybe even 100 percentiles. But what if someone doesn't score higher marks in exams due to some or the other reasons. Today I would like to share my thoughts, what I have seen over the years regarding this topic.
Most unfair & unfortunate thing which happens is, comparison of marks scored by students & the worst part is criticism of students, who score lower grades. On the basis of their marks, people judge students. They try to correlate the intelligence of a person to the marks he/she has scored in the exams, which is awful. When a person is already down, we should try to encourage him or her. But instead of that, everyone just passes their pity judgements & taunts. This rude behaviour of surrounding peoples, just let down moral of that person & make him feel like looser. Sad to say, but sometimes even parents also compare their children's score with other students. We should understand that, one bad result doesn't mean the end of the world, you will always get second chance to prove yourself.
I agree to the fact that, higher scores in the exam will help you to get admissions in top universities & colleges, where you will have great facilities & opportunities ahead. But it's okay if you do your higher studies in some other colleges, because it's your skills that matters at the end of the day. It doesn't matter wherever you are, if you have the passion, dedication to learn more than you can acquire knowledge.
In today's digital world of internet, everything has just become easier for us. In just one click, we can access to millions of informative things, while sitting at home. Rather than comparing ourselves with others, we should just compare ourselves. Just try to learn new things every day, enhance your skills & become best version of yourself.